Lifecycle Planning Worksheet

The Lifecycle Planning Worksheet is intended to make it easier for you to get a simple overview of the item stock level, sell-through and variant availability for seasonal items. The worksheet calculates the store's available supply and the store's estimated demand for an item based on the sold quantity until today and the lifecycle curve assigned to the item, and this makes it easy for you to detect stock-outs and slow selling items.

Using this worksheet, you can identify the items that needed attention and perform further actions, for example to set a new item price, discount or markdown, and to block the item from purchasing. You can also access the Redistribution Replenishment Journal from the worksheet to perform store stock redistribution for the items.

The tasks listed below describe how to use a Lifecycle Planning Worksheet:

To See
Understand the charts displayed for the selected item line in the worksheet. Charts in the Lifecycle Planning Worksheet
Set up a Lifecycle Planning Worksheet and its default item filters. How to: Set Up a Lifecycle Planning Worksheet
Populate items to Lifecycle Planning Worksheet and get a more detailed description of the line values, as well as to understand how different parts of the worksheet works. How to: Populate the Lifecycle Planning Worksheet
Set new prices and discounts offer for items, and block item from purchase. How to: Set Up Item Pricing and Item Status

See also

Store Stock Redistribution

Lifecycle Curve