Setting Up Combined Dining Tables

You can set up the possible combinations of dining tables within a dining area layout to help the staff with manual allocation of dining tables. The staff can quickly see which combination of dining tables they can use, when no single tables are available for the requested number of guests.

If you are using automatic allocation, you may need to set up combined dining tables to have a more complete allocation.

You can copy combined dining tables from one dining area layout to another.

Note: You can only combine dining tables within the same dining area section.

When you allocate dining tables and combined tables to reservation entries, the program uses the minimum and maximum capacity of the tables to show only tables suitable for the requested number of guests. You can rank dining tables and combined dining tables to let the tables be allocated in the right order.

To set up a combined dining table

  1. Go to the Dining Areas page and select the dining area you want to work with.
  2. Click the Dining Area - Layouts action.
  3. Select the layout you want to work with.
  4. Click the Dining Tables - Combined Dining Tables action.
  5. Click New and insert a new combined table with an ID and description.
  6. In the Section Code field, select the dining area section you want to work with.
  7. In the Dining Table Type ID field, select the dining table type that fits the combined table.
  8. On the Dining Table Combinations FastTab, select the dining tables that you want to combine.
  9. Refer to the field help for Combined Dining Tables for more information.

To copy combined tables from one layout to another

  1. On the Dining Area Layouts page, click Actions - Copy Layout.
  2. In the Copy to Layout field, select the layout you want to copy to.
  3. Select the Copy Combined Tables check box.
  4. Click OK to copy the combined tables.