How to: Set Hierarchy for Web Store

Multiple hierarchies can be set for a store. One hierarchy is active at a certain date and time. When the hierarchy information is retrieved by the GetHierarchy web request, the active hierarchy is returned according to the date and time of call.

  1. Go to the Store Card, and open the Hierarchy Dates FastTab.
  2. Select a hierarchy in the Hierarchy Code field.
  3. In the Validation Schedule ID field, select the appropriate validation schedule. This field is required.
  4. In the Priority field, you can enter a number that specifies the priority of the line. The program checks the hierarchy date lines in the order of priority (from high to low). The first line to have a valid validation schedule is picked. It is necessary to enter a higher number in this field, if there are more than one hierarchies valid at the same time.
  5. In the Sales Type Filter field, you can enter a filter with one or more sales type that the hierarchy is valid for.
    • The Sales Type Filter of the POS terminal that sends the GetHierarchy web request is used to find the valid hierarchy.
      If the POS terminal has a blank Sales Type Filter, only hierarchy dates with a blank Sales Type Filter are picked.
      If the POS terminal has a Sales Type Filter, only hierarchy dates with a Sales Type Filter that includes at least one of the POS terminal sales types are picked.

Tip: If you have two sales types, such as RESTAURANT and BAR, and want to show a different hierarchy for each, you need to use two separate POS terminals: one with Sales Type Filter RESTAURANT, and the other with Sales Type Filter BAR.
The BAR hierarchy date line has Sales Type Filter BAR and the RESTAURANT hierarchy date line has Sales Type Filter RESTAURANT.

Note: Hierarchy date lines that are currently active (the current date and time is used) are displayed in bold.

See also

How to: Create Hierarchy

How to: Use Web Templates as POS Menus

How to: Set up Clienteling

Setting up Validation Schedule

Setting up Date Schedule

Setting up Time Schedule