Searching for Items by Allergens on the POS

You can use the Item Finder to search for items by allergens on the POS.

See also

To set up the Item Finder for allergens

To place the Item Finder in a POS menu in the Sales POS

Example - finding desserts with no eggs

You can filter on an item list by division, item category or product group and then continue filtering on option values for allergens attributes. In this way you can for example find items that have no eggs and no milk and give the customer a choice from this collection of items.

See also

Showing Allergens Attributes on the POS.

To set up the Item Finder for allergens

  1. Click the icon, enter Item Finder Setup List, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action to create a new setup.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary.

The following Item Finder Setup is available in demo data:

The setup contains all 14 major allergens. No Pre Value is set. That is because the waiter needs to select which allergens to filter out when searching.

For the most common allergens, you can also set up the Item Finder per allergen. Then you select No as Pre Value and the item lists that appear in the Item Finder panel will then already be filtered on the No option for the allergen.

Note:  Selecting a Pre Value means that you cannot filter on any other option, the option No is fixed.

To place the Item Finder in a POS menu in the Sales POS

The POS Command ITEMFINDER needs to be set up on a button in a POS menu like this:

Example - finding desserts with no eggs

In this example the customer wants to select a dessert that does not have eggs in it.

  • In the Sales POS of the bar in restaurant S0005, on POS terminal P0011, press the Find Items (Allergens) button. The following screen appears:

  • Press Item Category on the left to see the list of item categories.
  • Select the DESSERTS category. The list of items in the item category appears:

  • To see desserts with no eggs, press EGGS on the left. The option values for attribute EGGS appears:

  • Press No. The item list now shows only desserts with no eggs. If you want to also filter out desserts with milk, press MILK and select the No option.

  • Select an item from the list and press OK. The item appears in the journal.