Creating Dining Tables

You need to create a set of dining tables that will be in use for the dining area. For each dining area layout that you create for this dining area, you specify for each table whether it is in use or available. If the table is not in use, it does not appear on the graphical layout or as a dining table grid button.

Note: A dining table's type does not depend on the dining area layout, it is always the same. Therefore, you cannot change the capacity and shape of a dining table for the layout. If you want to change the seating capacity and shape of a dining table, you need to assign to it a different dining table type.

  1. On the Dining Area page, click Dining Tables.
  2. Click Add Dining Tables (you can also create each table manually by inserting the number on a new line).
  3. In the No. of Tables to Add field, enter the number of tables you want to create.
  4. In the Section field, you can select a dining area section that the new tables belong to.
  5. In the Dining Table Type ID field, you can select a dining table type if the tables you are creating all have the same dining table type.
  6. In the Starting From field, edit the existing number, if necessary. As default, the system uses the number of the last dining table plus 1 (if no table exists, this number is 1).
  7. Click OK to run the batch job. The system creates the dining tables.

If you change to which dining area sections the dining tables belong, and you want to update the dining area section assignment accordingly in all layouts, click the Update Section in All Layouts action on the Home menu.

Click Add Section to Layouts where Missing to let the program only update the dining area section assignment in layouts if the Section Code field is blank.

See also

Creating a New Layout

Example: Copying and Designing a Dining Area Layout