Dining Table Alloc. Ranking

This table contains the ranking of dining tables and combined dining tables when allocating reservation entries. When allocating, the program builds a list of available tables that can be sorted by rank. At the top of the list is the dining table with the lowest rank number.

Note: Every time you assign a dining table type to a dining table or combined dining table, the program automatically creates an entry in this table. If you change the dining table type, the program automatically updates the entry in this table.

Automatic allocation always sorts the available dining tables by rank.

When the allocation is manual, the Sort Tbls. by Rank on Alloc. field for the dining area specifies whether the dining tables should be sorted by rank. The dining tables in the timeline view of the Allocated panel are sorted by their description. The staff that is allocating needs to be prepared for dining tables appearing in a very different order if sorting by rank is turned on.

You can fill up certain sections before others by assigning a rank number to sections and sort the dining tables by section ranking.

You can assign a rank number to dining table types to sort the dining tables by a certain order of dining table types.