Calculation of Replenishment Item Quantity

The Replenishment Item Quantity table is used to store a snapshot of the current stock situation of the items in the stores and warehouses. This table is usually calculated once per day in a nightly Scheduler Job run and is the basis for the calculation of the Replenishment Journals.

If the Out of Stock days should be considered in the Replenishment Item Quantity calculation, the Out of Stock table needs to be calculated upfront.

The below process describes how the Replenishment Item Quantity table is created or updated - for a more detailed description of the fields in the table, see Replenishment Item Quantity.

There are four methods of calculating the table:

1. Calculation for a single Item

It is possible to calculate the Replenishment Item Quantity records for a specific Item by calling the function Recalculate Quantity for Item on the Replen. Item Quantities page.

You can access this page by opening the Retail Item Card, and then click the Replenishment Control Data action under the Process action menu. The Replenishment Item Quantity data can be accessed via the Location Quantities action or via the Replenishment FactBox.

2. Calculation for a set of Items

If you want to calculate the Replenishment Item Quantities for a set of items, you can use the Replen. - Calc. Item Qty report. Click the icon, enter Replen. - Calc. Item Qty, and select the relevant link. to access this report.

Note: Be aware that the calculation for all items and stores can be quite time consuming. Always use proper filtering, when calling the report during business hours.

3. Scheduled calculation with LS Scheduler

It is possible to schedule the execution of the Replenishment – Calc. Qtys by using a Scheduler Job. Click the icon, enter Scheduler Job List, and select the relevant link. to open the Scheduler Job List. You can create a Scheduler Job by selecting a Scheduler Job Type Code, then in the Object Setup FastTab, select Codeunit in the Object Type field, and assign the Object No. with 10012200 (Replen. - Calc. Qtys).

4. Calculation from Replen. Journals

It is possible to run the Replenishment Item Quantity calculation as part of adding lines to the Replenishment Journal Lines. The system will run the Replen. - Calc. Item Qty report.

When you click the Add Items to Journal action under the Functions action menu in the Purchase Replenishment Journals page, the system will run the Add Items to Replenishm. Jrnl. report.

Tip: From the report request page, you can select the Calculate Inventory check box to calculate the Replenishment Item Quantities. Note: This check box is available in the Replenishment Journal and Redistribution Journal pages.

See also

Replenishment Item Quantity