Updating Dining Area Plans from Template

If dining area plans have already been created and you need to change the dining area reservation capacity, layout, or status, you can do this by changing the dining area plan template and then update the plan from the template.

Note: Only dining area plans starting from the current day will be affected.

To update Reservation Capacity %

  1. On the Dining Areas page, select a dining area from the list, and click Actions - Plan Templates.
  2. Select a template, and click Manage - Edit to open the Dining Area Plan Template page.
  3. In the Plan FastTab, add or change the value in the Reservation Capacity or Reserv. Capacity % fields for the desired periods.
  4. Click Actions - Update Reserv. Capacity.

To update Online Reservation Capacity %

  1. On the Dining Areas page, select a dining area from the list, and click Actions - Plan Templates.
  2. Select a template, and click Manage - Edit to open the Dining Area Plan Template page.
  3. In the Plan FastTab, change the Online Reserv. Capacity or the Online Reserv. Capacity % fields for the desired periods.
  4. Click Actions - Update Online Reserv. Capacity.

To update Dining Area Layout

  1. On the Dining Areas page, select a dining area from the list, and click Actions - Plan Templates.
  2. Select a template, and click Manage - Edit to open the Dining Area Plan Template page.
  3. Change the value in the Dining Area Layout Code field for the desired periods.
  4. Click Actions - Update Layout.

To update Status

  1. On the Dining Areas page, select a dining area from the list, and click Actions - Plan Templates.
  2. Select a template, and click Manage - Edit to open the Dining Area Plan Template page.
  3. In the Plan FastTab, change the Status field value for the desired periods.
    Note: The capacity is affected if you change the status (open or close) of a period. You must click the Refresh Capacity action (under Process or Actions) to have the program calculate correct capacity.
  4. Click Actions - Update Status.

To update Waitlisting

  1. On the Dining Areas page, select a dining area from the list, and click Actions - Plan Templates.
  2. Select a template, and click Manage - Edit to open the Dining Area Plan Template page.
  3. In the Plan FastTab, change the Waitlisting field value for the desired periods.
  4. Click Actions - Update Waitlisting.

For each of these options the system updates your dining area plans and displays how many days were affected by the change.