Setting Up Dining Area Sections

You can divide a dining area into sections and assign sections to the dining tables.

You can close down and open up dining area sections via the dining area plan.

You can change the section assignment within each dining area layout so that a table can belong to one section by default, while in a certain layout it can belong to another section.

When allocating (manually or automatically), you can fill up certain sections before others in the dining area by assigning a rank number to sections and sorting the dining tables by section ranking.

To set up dining area sections

  1. Go to the Dining Areas page.
  2. Click Dining Area - Dining Area Sections.
  3. On a new line insert a dining area section with a code and description.
  4. When you have created the desired sections, you can give the sections an allocation rank number in case you want to fill up certain sections before others when allocating.
  5. Refer to the field help for Dining Area Section for more information.

To assign a default section to a dining table

  1. Go to the Dining Areas page.
  2. Click Dining Area - Dining Tables.
  3. In the Default Section Code field, select the section the dining table belongs to.

To add section to a layout

  1. Go to the Dining Areas page.
  2. Click Dining Area - Dining Tables.
  3. Click the Add Section to Layouts where Missing action. Tip: Click the three dots or expand the page to full view to see this action.

To change the section assignment of a dining table in a layout

  1. Go to the Dining Areas page.
  2. Click Dining Area - Layouts.
  3. Double-click the layout you want to work with.
  4. In the Section Code field, select the section the dining table belongs to within this layout.