Moving and Rotating Dining Tables in Current Layout

You can move and rotate a dining table when adjusting the graphical layout of a restaurant.

If you move a dining table close to another dining table, you may be able to join the tables and/or transfer the guest seating and orders to the new dining table.

To move dining tables

  1. Run the POS Windows client with a restaurant with a dining area that is set up with graphical dining table layout.
  2. Click Logon and logon to the POS.
  3. Click Adjust Tables (this command may be on a manager menu).
  4. Click a dining table, and while holding down the primary mouse button, drag the table to the desired location.
  5. Click Save and Exit to save the changes and exit Adjust mode.

To move a dining table back to its design location

  1. Click Adjust Tables.
  2. Right-click a dining table that you want to move, and select Move Back (Design).
  3. Click Save and Exit to save the changes and exit Adjust mode.

To move all tables to their design location

  1. Make sure all dining tables are free (no orders exist).
  2. Click Adjust Tables.
  3. Click Reset All.

To rotate dining tables

  1. Click Adjust Tables.
  2. Right-click a dining table, and select Rotate.
  3. Click Save and Exit to save the changes and exit Adjust mode.

See also

Saving Current Layout as Design Layout