Dining Area Statistics

Dining area statistics contain key performance indicators for your dining areas.

The dining area statistics include for each day, for each period, and for each dining area section:

  • Table turnover
  • Revenue per Seat Hour
  • Gross Amount
  • Seat Hours
  • No. of Seatings
  • No. of Tables
  • No. of Reservations
  • No. of Waitlist Entries
  • No. of Walk-in Entries
  • No. of No-Shows
  • No. of Canceled Reservation Entries
  • No. of Waitlist Reservation Entries
  • Total No. of Guests
  • No. of Guests with Reservation
  • No. of Guests Waitlisted
  • No. of Walk-in Guests

For each dining table, the statistics include for each period:

  • No. of Seatings
  • Minutes Occupied
  • No. of Guests
  • Gross Amount
  • Availability

The program calculates the dining area statistics when you run the Calculate Dining Area Statistics report or when the HOSP_CALCDININGAREA scheduler job runs.