Designing Graphical Dining Table Layout

To enter Design Mode

To move dining tables

To rotate dining tables

To resize dining tables

To copy the size of one dining table to other tables

To change the dining table type

To exit Design Mode

You can design the graphical dining table layout (the base layout) at any time within the POS by switching to Design mode. Then you can:

  • Position the dining tables where you want them.
  • Rotate and resize them.
  • Change their dining table types.
  • Copy the size of one table to other tables.

The design layout is used to reset the current layout before the restaurant opens or when there needs to be a layout change.

To enter Design Mode

  1. Run the POS Windows client with a restaurant that has a dining area that is set up with a graphical dining table layout.
  2. Press Logon and logon to the POS.
  3. Press DesignTables. Note: This command may be on a manager menu.

To move dining tables

  • Click a dining table, and while holding down the primary mouse button, drag the table to the desired location with the mouse.

To rotate dining tables

  • Right-click a dining table, and select Rotate.

To resize dining tables

  1. Hover over a corner of a dining table with the mouse until you see the size arrows.
  2. Click the primary button and drag the mouse until you have the desired size.

To copy the size of one dining table to other tables

  1. Right-click a dining table ,and select Copy Size.
  2. Right-click a dining table that you want in the same size, and select Paste Size.

To change the dining table type

  1. Right-click a dining table, and select Change Dining Table Type.
  2. Confirm the question.
    Note: By doing this you will be changing the dining table type for this dining table in all dining area layouts for the dining area.
  3. Select the desired dining table type from the lookup that appears.
  4. Click OK.

To exit Design Mode

Once you are finished with changing your design, click Save and Exit to save the changes and exit Design mode.