Hotfixes on LS Central version 18.3.x.x

CEN-7622 Give public access to the CalcPrices procedure in record Pos. Trans Line
- Allow extension development in SaaS for the CalcPrices function through the LS Pos View codeunit.

CEN-7531 Remove onPrem scope on functions in codeunit 10014600 Franchise - Process Inbound Ms
- Allow extension development in SaaS for procedure CreateOutboundPurchHdr in codeunit LSC Franc. - Process Inb. Ms. This function is accessible through codeunit 10000714 LSC PublicFranchiseProcedures.
CEN-7493 Remove onPrem scope from functions to allow extension development in SaaS
- Allow extension development in SaaS for the CalcPrices function through the "LSC PublicPOSTransLine" codeunit.
CEN-7492 Remove onPrem scope from functions to allow extension development in SaaS
- Allow extension development in SaaS for the InsertTransDiscPercent function in the POS Price Utility codeunit.

CEN-7404 Web replication run by Scheduler
- Because of technical challenges in SaaS, running web replication in a background session is not a viable solution. Therefore, running the web replications has been changed to be run by a Scheduler job instead of a dedicated background session.

CEN-7337 Make tax fields in transaction related web services optional
- Initially, these fields were added as required fields in previous hotfixes. When a POS that does not have these fields but the Head office does, the web servers returned an 500 error. This has been fixed by making the fields optional.

CEN-7304 Add Shipping Agent Code and Shipping Agent Service Code to CustomerOrderCreate
- When the user sends shipping information when creating an order from SOAP UI, he or she receives a response with empty lines and nothing in Business Central.
CEN-7200 Distribution Group/Subgroup with no filter made uneditable
- The No filter check box on the ALL subgroup was cleared by mistake making the whole Distribution Group logic unusable.

CEN-7248 Remove shipment check
- eCommerce uses the field Click and Collect Line = false instead of Ship Order = true when creating a Customer Order through CustomerOrderCreate web service to identify if orders should be processed and shipped through Sales Orders.
CEN-7243 Error on Label Print - SaaS
- When loading a POS printer for Hardware Station PDF printing, the URL protocol is set based on the printer settings (http:// or https:// ).
CEN-7068 Web replication filter fix
- Support added for subjob fixed filter in web replication.

CEN-7067 Hotfix for inventory calculations based on sourcing locations
- Inventory available in sourcing location added to Inventory Lookup table.
- GetInventoryMultiple returns inventory on Sourcing Location if parameter SourcingLocationAvailability is included in the request and is set to TRUE.
- If eCommerce is sourcing from a location that is specified in the Sourcing Location Setup on the Store Card, the sourcing location is set on the Customer Order for when it is created.