Hotfixes on LS Central version 18.0.x.x

CEN-7130 Statement posted with wrong VAT Entry calculation HF18.0
- Statement with items with different VAT percentage were posted into one VAT GL account. This applied if VAT calculation is used, and the General Posting Setup and the Item.General Posting Group is configured to post Sales for items with different VAT percentage to the same Sales G/L account.

CEN-6766 Unable to set up item category field in Item Finder
- Key “Item Category Code” added to the Item table extension.

CEN-6532 Bug in Periodic Offers
- In Periodic offers, when you try to select a "Product Group Code", you get an error stating that the Table ID must match. A likely cause is the change from BC Product Groups (obsolete) to Retail Product Groups.

CEN-6463 Fix loading error in POS Payload Util
- Codeunit "LSC POS Payload Util" needs a fix in LoadPayloadFromText.

CEN-6410 OnPrem parameter removed
- Description not available.

CEN-6205 Publisher results in error in multitenant environments
- The Publisher function on the Web Request 2.0 page is now working in a multitenant environment (such as SaaS). In a multitenant environment, a tenant is not allowed to modify the application database, but can Publish Web Services.

CEN-6100 Fix RequestID in InventoryLookup web service
- Change RequestID in Invenotry lookup web service from GetVendorCard to GetInventoryLookup.

LLD-715 NA Tax fields are missing in web requests
- Description not available.