Dining Table Type

This table contains dining table types that specify seating capacity (general, minimum and maximum) and shape for dining tables and are used to assign those characteristics to the dining tables in all your dining areas. If you want to change the seating capacity and shape of a dining table you need to assign to it a different dining table type.

Note:The dining table type of a dining table does not depend on the dining area layout, it is always the same.

You also assign a dining table type to each combined dining table you set up. Thus you can control the combined capacity. It may simply be the sum of the capacity of the actual tables or it may be less than or greater than this sum.

When you allocate dining tables and combined tables to reservation entries, the program uses the minimum and maximum capacity of the tables to show only those tables suitable for the requested number of guests. You can assign an allocation rank number to dining table types to sort the dining tables by a certain order of dining table types when allocating.