Breaking Changes
This page contains lists of breaking changes in the current and previous releases. The lists are work in progress and will be updated as new issues are discovered.
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Mobile Phone No. field in Customer extension table renamed to LSC Mobile Phone No. and obsoleted
There is a new field in Business Central Base app Customer table named Mobile Phone No. The LS Central app Customer extension table had a field with exactly the same name. The purpose of the field is the same in both tables, to capture the customer mobile phone number. Because a table and extension tables cannot have identical names, the field in the LS Central Customer table has been renamed to LSC Mobile Phone No. The upgrade codeunit that comes with LS Central 17.0 migrates values from the LS Central Customer Extension table Mobile Phone No. field to the BC Base app Customer table Mobile Phone No. field. The Mobile Phone No. in the LS Central Customer Extension table has been marked as ObsoleteState = Pending.
Statement field in Gen Journal Line extension table renamed to LSC Statement
The field Statement in the LS Central Gen Journal Line extension table has been renamed to LSC Statement, because in one of the Business Central localizations, the Gen Journal Line in the base app has a field named Statement.