How to: Change With the Variant Lookup Panel
This is an example of the setup for the POS command Lookup. The example also shows how you can work with the Variant Lookup panel.
The Variant Lookup panel
When you sell items that have variants, have you ever wondered if it would be possible to change the panel that displays the Variants? For example, to have a wider area for the dimensions then what is specified in your setup?
- Edit the panel #LOOKUPDATA.
- On the General FastTab, set the value of the field Columns to 1.
- On the POS Panel Row/Colum List FastTab, the value for Size Type is Percent and Size is 75 (this value you can change to meet your requirements).
- On the POS Panel Control Lines FastTab, set the values to this:
Note: The #LOOKUPDATA panel is used in panel #LOOKUP.
In POS, when selling a variant item, the Lookup panel can then look like this:
Note: The area for the Variant/Description is narrower.