Tender Types Mapping
In LS Central each mode of payment is identified by a unique tender type. Some of the most common tender types include cash, check, credit cards, and so on.
Since each mode of payment has a specific tender type assigned to it, it is very important to send a correct tender type ID for each payment line when you make a request to create an order using this feature.
Each store defines its own required tender types which can be accessed on its Store Card. Follow these steps to find a tender type list for a store:
- Navigate to the Store List page.
- Open the store that is configured in Magento.
- In the Store Card, click the Cash Management action, then Tender Types:
The order goes through Commerce Service to LS Central, so in order to send the correct tender type ID, each LS Central tender type ID should have a corresponding Commerce Service Tender Type ID mapped to it.
You can set this mapping in Commerce Service database:
On the Magento side, a separate replication job, repl_store_tender_type, is added to replicate these tender types. Once the replication job has status Completed, you can see the replicated data for the tender types:
- Login in Magento admin.
- Navigate to LS Retail - Replication Status - Store Tender Type.
In order to do the required mapping on the Magento side, configure Magento properly as suggested in the Order Management section of the General Configuration topic in the LS Central Help.
If mapping is done properly, the merchant should find the same tender types in the Customer Order page in LS Central after placing the order: