The POS Startup Controller

The Startup POS Controller – MultiView

The Startup POS Controller – List View

With the POS Startup Controller it is possible to define which codeunit is used to start the POS and handle the commands and functionality within the startup #OFFLINE panel.

The registering codeunit for the Retail module inserts data into this page. You cannot modify it.

You can use the panel, grid, and menu information fields as a shortcut for viewing the individual controls and see the availability of them within interface profiles and menu profiles.

The following table explains the fields:

Name Description
Controller ID Unique ID for the controller.
Description This field contains the description of the POS Startup Controller.
Controller Codeunit The number of the codeunit that controls the startup POS.
Retail Module Code The code of the Retail module the controller belongs to and was registered by.
Startup Panel ID The ID of the startup panel used by this controller.
Grid Panel ID The ID of the grid panel used by this controller. The grid panel is loaded into the main section of the startup panel.
Data Grid Ctrl. ID The ID of the data grid control of the grid panel used by this controller.
Main Section Menu ID The ID of the main menu that is loaded into the main button pad control of the startup panel used by this controller.
Functions Menu ID The ID of the function menu that is loaded into the function button pad control of the startup panel used by this controller.
Statusbar Menu ID The ID of the status bar menu that is loaded into the statusbar button pad control of the startup panel used by this controller.
Functions 2 Menu ID The ID of the functions 2 menu that is loaded into the functions 2 button pad control of the startup panel used by this controller. This is for example the HOSP-Types menu, switching between Hospitality types.

This new POS startup controller is connected to the Interface Profile:

The POS Startup Controller ID field contains the ID of the POS startup controller that is active for this interface profile.

  • If blank, the default EPOS controller is active and runs the functions for the startup #Offline panel.
  • If not blank, the codeunit registered for the startup controller runs the functions for the startup #Offline panel.

Note: This replaces the boolean field Run Hospitality Startup in the POS terminal and was used to tell the EPOS controller (the codeunit that controls the POS) to give the control for the startup #OFFLINE panel to codeunit 10001202.

The Startup POS Controller – MultiView

The #HOSP-MULTIVIEW startup controller points to codeunit 10001202, Hospitality POS Startup. This is the codeunit that handles the Hospitality POS client showing dining table button grid and graphical layouts, order list, and delivery list views.

Note: This startup POS controller does not display dining tables as a list.

The Startup POS Controller – List View

The #HOSP-TABLELIST startup controller points to codeunit 10001212, Table List POS Startup. This codeunit handles the viewing of the dining tables as a list and is aimed for smaller POS terminals (order taking at table).

Here is an overview of a restaurant with mixed POS Startup Controller: